A Letter from William Kinney III©: The Slaying of Goliath In Multnomah County Oregon.
(too old to reply)
Raymond Karczewski
2010-06-22 09:24:21 UTC
A Letter from William Kinney III©: The Slaying of Goliath In Multnomah
County Oregon.


June 21, 2010
To my Horror when I talked to my Son William at about 8:55am he told
me that he was PHYSICALLY ASSULTED when the staff at the State
Hospital, by FORCE took blood from him. KRYSTAL LANDREY headed this
attack assisted by a Nurse JULES WILLIAM, with a Matt Saiter
performing the CRIME OF TAKING HIS BLOOD (4 large tubes) BY FORCE. He
was also force to take a TB test. They were also assisted by a MOB of
approximately 15 other staff members. My Son told them ‘he did not
consent’ and that ‘THEIR ACTIONS WERE CRIMINAL! When my Son started
to ask the other staff personnel, what their names were, they
dispersed. I talked to William later this afternoon when he told me
that he was in severe pain in his left arm where they took his blood.

June 17, 2010
While I was talking to my Son Staff from the Hospital tried to ask him
to sign a form for a Trust Account they set-up for him. I over heard
him tell them that he did not authorize anyone to opening a Trust
Account for him and that he refused to sign any type of form.

June 16, 2010
When I talked to William today he told me that a Nurse at the State
Hospital came to him with forms to sign for treatment. He said he
told her that, he was forced there, against his will by Judge
Bergstrom and that he was not consenting to anything. William further
told them to tell Judge Bergstrom to answer the question TO PROVE
JURISDICTION or SET HIM FREE, and said he would not sign anything or
except any kind of treatment. He said the Nurse was not happy and
came back with 5 to 6 Hospital Staff to force him to comply. William
stood his ground and told this mob that he ‘did not consent’ any type
of test and he would not sign the form.

June 15, 2010
UNLAWFUL ACTION by Judge Erick Bergstrom when he has William moved
from Justice Center to STATE HOSPITAL in Salem!!
Alert: Action is needed immediately!
Not only has William been unconstitutionally held against his will for
more than two weeks, but early this morning William was kidnapped from
the Justice Center in Portland and forced into the State Hospital in
Salem Oregon. There is NO rational reason or merit in LAW for Judge
Bergstrom to ever justify this act. All actions being taken against
William are now Criminal with the City, County, and State having a lot
of explaining to do. The People need to be gravely disturbed with
these horrific events because it proves the CORRUPTION in the Courts
is true. Not to mention that those in charge holding very powerful
positions (Judges, DA’s, County Sheriffs, & Police Officers) who are
perpetrating these acts (crimes) against the People are now completely
out of control. If they can do this to a healthy young man who can
clearly and concisely articulate his rights can be unlawfully drug
away to the State Hospital shows they can do this to anyone. And from
what I’ve witnessed No One is Safe.

I finally received a call from William in the afternoon when I
received this information. He said at 6:00am he was waken by Multnomah
County Deputy who told him to ‘roll up’ because he was being moved.
William asked where he was being transported to and the Deputy told
him he ‘didn’t know.’ William said he was than taken to the basement
of the Justice Center were he was held with others to be transported
to other county jails. About 9:00am William arrived at Iverness Jail
and placed into a holding were he was given his cloths he was taken to
jail in. This is when Multnomah Deputy McIlvain told William that he
was being taken to the Oregon State Hospital in Salem Oregon. He was
place in another holding cell until he was transported to the Hospital
in Salem arriving around 11:00am at which time an unidentified nurse
by force took his blood pressure. William told her he would not give
consent, that he was being held against his will. Under threat and
duress he was forced to allow her to take his blood pressure, pulse,
and temperature.
At about 1:55pm the unidentified nurse told William that he had to
attend a psych evaluation. He told her that he did not consent and
again he was forced under threat and duress taken into a room where a
group of ladies tried to ask him questions. The name of the ladies
were Kay Reichlin, MD; Cheryl Meyers, Social Worker; and Susan
Gilberg, PhD/Psychologist who immediately started to ask questions he
would not answer. He informed them that he did not consent to any
evaluation and told them to have Judge Bergstrom PROVE JURISDICTION
until then he was being held unlawfully. Susan Gilberg continued and
told my Son that she wanted to talk to him and he wasn’t free to go
back to his room. She continue to ask questions with my Son again
responding with ‘I do not consent’ and that he was a ‘political
prisoner’ and that he was ‘brought here against his will’

June 11, 2010
Made call to Court Staff (Alex) to find out that the “Replacement of
Counsel” hearing that was scheduled for today (Friday June 11, 2010)
at 1:30pm had been canceled. Court Staff also said that there had
been a hearing the day before Thursday June 10, 2010 in front of Judge
Eric Bergstrom and that it was noted as an “Aid and Assist’ hearing.
The Court Staff could not explain this change and why Judge Bergstom
could do this. They also stated that it was unusual not to see an
evaluation either already done or scheduled for a later date, and
there was none in this case.
Also found out that
September ?, 2010
September ?, 2010

June 10, 2010
Multnomah County Deputies rush William to hearing in front of Judge
Bergstrom literally having Multhnomah County sheriff deny access to
phone and use physically force in courtroom

[Note: I just got off a call with William at 1:38pm before unlawful

By a Mother in distress after receiving a telephone call at 3:54pm
Learned During phone call with William
At approximately, 2:00pm (Without Notice) William was told by
Multnomah County Deputy Ward, that he was being taken to the
Courthouse for an “Attorney Replacement Hearing”

Deputy Ward told him that he was ‘given an order’ not to allow him
‘access to the telephone’ before transport to courthouse. [Knowing
this is out of protocol] Deputy Ward said to William he’d ‘never seen’
this before.

William was then immediately taken to the courthouse by a Deputy
Better who projected a superiority over him, asking him if he “went to
school” after William asked about Deputy Better’s visible tattoos.
This Deputy continued his degrading statements to him like “are you

By approximately 2:20pm William was taken before Judge Eric Bergstrom
where there were individuals from the Districts Attorneys office
(unidentified) and Attorney Fishback. When William stopped at the BAR
to inform the Court that ‘He was there by Special Appearance and by
Special Appearance Only until informed that he was in a court of
Constitutional Due Process’, he was literally SHOVED by force
(battered) by the Deputy. Then he was physically FORCED (battered) to
sit in a chair next to Attorney Fishback.

William again informed the court that Attorney Fishback did not and
does not represent him. That he has never been accepted as counsel
and his firm was released as early as 2008, and had also been fired
several times after he was forced on him again in September 2009.
Judge Bergstrom refused to hear anything William had to say. He was
not allowed to speak for his self. And he was, threaten (assaulted)
again by Multnomah County Deputies when they told him ‘You Need to
Shut Up!’

The hearing continued not as a ‘Replacement of Counsel’ hearing but
turned into some sort of ‘Competence hearing’ without any
justification. They began talking about sending him to a Mental
Hospital continuing to CONTROL the Record. He said when he objected
to this entire unlawful process and told them they were going way too
far by having this hearing.

By 2:55pm their unlawful hearing was over and he was taken back to the
Justice Center.

stop before it’s too late!!

June 9, 2010
I got to relay a message to William when he had a friend at the
Justice center have his girlfriend call me at approximately 9:30pm.
Through this friend I asked her to check with William if he knew about
or received any kind of Notice from the court regarding a hearing
scheduled for this Friday, June 11, 2010 at 1:30pm regarding
Replacement of Counsel. She told me William said he did not know
anything about this hearing verbally or in writing!

June 5, 2010
I was denied a visit with William because Multnomah County Deputy
Owens who would not accept my Tribal Identification. I informed that
they were putting me in a hardship especially since one of their
Deputies at Inverness Jail confiscated my license last year (2009)
acting as agent for DMV.

June 4, 2010
William told me after he saw that I was physically drug out of Court
by Multnomah County Sheriff he collapsed after an eleven day
fast/hunger strike! When he came to he was being pulled from the
floor into a wheel chair by Multnomah County Deputies. All of them
had smiles on their faces making silly comments as if my collapsing
was funny.

[Attorney Fishback made a call to William after this hearing. Where
he let him know again that he was not his attorney. During this
conversation he said he asked Fishback: ‘Why is this STATE coming
after him so hard?’ Do they just want to force him to be a 14th
Amendment Citizen? Attorney Fishback would not answer at first.
William explained that he understood that ‘the 14th Amendment was
created for the Black Man! and asked Fishback again “Are you
considered a 14th Amendment Citizen? William said he than answered ,
“I’m Not a Black Man!” William repeated “but are you a 14th Amendment
Citizen?” Attorney Fishback said to him “I am a citizen of the United
States of America”, and than he refused to talk anymore about the
citizen status.]

June 3, 2010
I went to Courthouse with Stephanie to file ‘Attorney Severing Demand’
and other documents for William and look at the two case files. We
got copies from the file to see what they were holding William for.


Spiritual Man Needs Your Support!
By Williams Mother

William Kinney III© Secure Party Creditor, Free Man on the land was
arrested by US Marshals using excessive force when Marshal Byford
stopped car (in a parking lot) at GUN POINT on May 25, in the year of
our Lord Two Thousand Ten (2010).

The time is NOW to rally towards the final battle in this movement of
freedom! The FICTION of this fraud (14th AMENDMENT STATUS) forced on
the People of American has to be challenged as one together before
it’s too late.

Love ones, Family, Friends, People of this land that want to take back
our freedom and rights the true founding fathers created. William is
currently fighting this battle in the most corrupt county in Oregon,
Multnomah County.

Below is a detailed outline of the most recent incident when he was
arrested: on May 25, 2010

3:50 pm (approximately)
I received a call from my youngest son saying that he and his brother,
William was being attacked by law enforcement (he was unsure because
of how they were dressed and the manner they were being treated.)

My son Michael said that a person had stopped the car with his gun
drawn, pointing at his brother’s head. He also said he saw ‘no’ badge
or shield that identified who this man was, that he was dressed in
black plain clothing and all he saw was a huge, intimidating skull
belt buckle. He stated that this man yelled stop the car, but any
other orders he was saying was inaudible. I was than told that this
Marshal (finding out later his mane was BYFORD) made some action like
William was not going to stop the car (putting his hand on hood
yelling “oh, so your trying to hit me” (appearing as if he was trying
to find some reason for him to SHOOT my son.)

That there were no vehicles with emergency lights until sometime after
this man was yelling orders to stopped the car, and acting like he was
going to shoot stating “Oh, so your trying to hit me?” My son told
me that it was only after this man stopped the car by gunpoint did the
other ‘unmarked’ vehicles with emergency lights show up. And it was
only after these other officers arrived did he see the back of the
jackets, which identified them as US Marshals.

My son said Marshal Byford kept the gun pointed at his brother’s head
while opening up the car door and taking the keys from the ignition,
followed by him forcibly grabbing William from the vehicle, taking him
to the back of the automobile and immediately searched him before
cuffing him up.

After being cuffed William was then forced to the ground in the
pouring rain. When asked why William was thrown to the ground the
Marshal Byford yelled, “It’s for MY safety!”

I was overhearing my son telling these officers that they were
Peaceful Men and asking them why are they using this kind of excessive
force on his brother. I was hearing a lot of voices talking loud in
the background. My son relayed they were being told “there was a
wanted federal fugitive in the car.”

My son was asking what was the reason for being stopped. My son
further requested some sort of identification, or business card from
these officers, which I then heard them refuse him.

Next I overheard a Woman’s voice talking to my son Michael, asking him
for ID and just after this point our phone call was disconnected and
it was several hours (after 10:30pm) before for I talked to my
youngest son, again.

He was detained against his will for several hours, because he would
not admit to a legal (FICTIONAL) name that he was just a peaceful man.
They gave him JOHN DOE, booked him, violating his Constitutional
Rights taking his mug shot and fingerprints against his will. Then
releasing him with a “set-belt ticket” after using excessive force
than holding him against his will (?arrest?).

William who they literally applied excessive deadly force on was not
charged with any federal crime yet taken in for a warrant on a three
(3) year old case with unconstitutional corrupt) bail of $200,000.
The Marshals had to call Portland Police right away to bring a charge
of Felony Driving while Suspended (even though William had rescinded
all contracts with the State of Oregon.

Since, William was taken using excessive force by US Marshals they had
to bring a new charge on him, which this stop being done by gun point
and was done in a private parking lot. So US Marshal Dirk Anderson
called the owner of the car to get permission to move car onto the
street, then called Portland Police to issue the ticket for Felony
Driving While Suspended. Portland Police Detective Travis Fields
OF DEFENDANT that was notarized without his signature, the only
signatures on the document was the Notary-Debbie Ann Watts, Judge Leon
Colas, and Dennis Sheen DDA (OSB #814690). Included in this document
to charge William is a perjured statement by PPD detective Fields
stating he ‘saw William driving’ when Portland Police was not on this
seen for at least 20 minutes. The second perjured statement in this
charging document is that he referenced “Portland Police Detective
Anderson” to make it seem this Felony Driving While Suspended charge
was first hand witnessed by Portland Police when in fact it was a
second testimony. Since ‘PPD Detective’ Anderson is really US Marshal
Dirk Anderson who identified himself as a US Marshal to the owner of
the car, Stephanie, (he further left proof of this fact when he left
his business card in the envelope with the owners car keys in it.)

[DETAILS of the Constitutional violations perpetrated against William
involving the old case #070733501 will be added later to show what
lengths they will go to hide this secret corrupt process. Multnomah
County (the biggest feeder into the prison system) cannot afford to
let William prove to the People of Oregon, or any other State that the
CORPOATE FICTION is Real. So they will not release the false claim
against him.]


For this cause William suffered an eleven (11) day of a hunger strike
as he sits at the (Un) Justice Center with an unconstitutional Bail
set at $200,000 for an old case that Assistant District Attorney,
Shannon Sevil charged him with in 2007. And a new charge with another
unconstitutional bail (at first posted at $5,000) now set at $20,000.
The corruption demonstrated to create new changes, and to pursue the
old charge against him for the past three years goes beyond
unconscionable action, and dishonor.

William is sacrificing his entire being and life to fight for the
Rights of All People, not only here in American but believes it’s for
the betterment of our entire World.

William cannot and will not get fair hearing in Multnomah County

-First hearing held on May 26, 2010 at 2:30 pm (supposedly an
arraignment, but really).
At this hearing in front of Judge Leon Colas William declared
his status, not accepting the DEBTOR NAME, refusing the forced
counsel, Ronald Fishback (who was never accepted when the courts
appointed in 2009. Who’s firm was release as counsel in early 2008
then reassigned in late September 2009.) William’s Mother stood up in
court to say Attorney Fishback was not his attorney when court refused
to listen to William. At which time Multnomah County Deputy B. Lemon
was ready to force Williams Mother to sit down. Even after William’s
mother sat down Deputy Lemon continued his intimidation by standing
directly over her head, making threats to physically throw her out.
As (false) hearing continued William asked Judge Colas to read his
OATH into the record, who replied on record “good-luck with that!”
At ‘no’ time during this hearing did the Judge say a claim against
William was “A TRUE BILL.” Additionally, William questioned the court
why there was a (unconstitutional) $200,000 bond amount on him saying
“you guys are treating me like a Mass Murder.” Clearing frighten,
Judge Colas stated loudly on the record, “I didn’t say that.”

-Second hearing held on June 4, 2010 at 9:30 am (This was another
preliminary hearing.)
[NOTE: When we called court scheduling about this hearing
they only told us about the one schedule for July 7, 2010 at 1:30 and
said there was not other hearing set. We remember hearing a date
mentioned in court at May 26th hearing. When the court personnel was
questioned on the June 4, 2010 hearing he stated well “that’s just a
preliminary hearing’ that it’s not important. We informed him that
all hearings are important and if anyone called regarding the process
in this matter they should be provided with the information.]

[On June 3, Prior to this court hearing on a new case for
DSW/REV FELONEY (Driving While Suspended) case #100532040X (that had a
$5000 bail), Williams Mother filed with the court for both case
numbers his copyright and related documents, the DEBTOR birth
certificate, also included with this filing was his rescission from
all Contract with the State of OREGON and a specific one sent directly
to DMV, which means there was ‘no’ license to Suspend. The MOST
important to note is the State, after these documents were filed,
during the evening of June 3, disposed the case #100532040X (by just
adding the X on the end of case #) changing it to a new case
#100532040 (with a new $20,000 bail amount.) Additionally, William’s
Mother was treated differently when filing these documents when the
court clerk would not provide her with the certified copies needed for
court the next day telling her “it takes a week or two before this
filing will reach the records room and that when I could get the
certified copied. All he would do is just put a Received Date Stamp
on the copies I wanted certified for court.]

At this hearing in front of a woman Judge (name unknown, they do not
put it on nameplate in the arraignment anymore!) William declared he
was there by special appearance and special appearance only until
informed he was in a court of constitutional due process and his
status, and that he was proceeding, Sui-Juris (one’s own right,
independent) on record. They were prepared to stop him from talking,
immediately. They continued to state on record that his Attorney was
Ronald Fishback. When he refused he again (who has been fired a
number of time beginning in September 2009 when they first tried to
assign him to case.)

At this point I stood up in court to inform them that I had
filed the Attorney Severing Demand the day before. This is when
Multnomah County Deputy Anderchuck (a high level Sergeant, a second
deputy in courtroom who they had standing right next to William’s
Mother) grabbed me by force saying “you need to sit down and be quit
or I’m going to remove you from the courtroom.” Never giving me an
opportunity to sit down, he continued pulling my arm harder now saying
“you need to leave the courtroom.” I tried to at least grab my things
as he was pulling on me, which he would not let me do, now grabbing me
with both hands pulling me harder and harder. I then yelled he was
hurting me and that the only reason he was doing this was to violate
my son’s constitutional due process. By this time he drug me out of
the room, where three to six new Deputies were there. I was saved
when another elder activist, Lisa was outside the courtroom and
grabbed me in her arms. That’s when Deputy Anderchuck let go of my
arms and focused his attention on my son Michael who was trying to
protect me asking them why they were manhandling me. This is when
several other Deputies came running up the stairs (possibly totaling
15 or more) making me more afraid they were going to start using their
excessive force on my youngest son, that Lisa and I had to embrace our
arms around him just to walk out of the (un)Justice Center together.

I never got to hear the actions taken against William in this hearing.
Following this horrific episode as they were taking William out of
courtroom, in his weaken state being his 11th day of his hunger strike
he passed out. As he was coming to he saw the Deputies standing over
him laughing at him as if this inhumane treatment of him and me were

[Additional note to inhumane treatment William is being locked-down 20
to 22 hours a day, to keep him away from the other people in jail so
he can’t inform them they have rights and the tricks they are using.]

How the People can help:
Show up at every hearing! We need Witnesses to their corrupt action
so we need as many People as we can to fill the courtrooms. We invite
all People in the Portland Metro area to Please Attend.

The next hearings are schedule to held at Multnomah County Courthouse
and set for:
July 7, 2010 at 1:30pm in Courtroom 734 CANCELLED on 6-10-2010
July 16, 2010 at 1:30pm in Courtroom 734 CANCELLED on 6-10-2010

[Further Note: As you will see from how William has been treated in
the Past at Multnomah County Courthouse they will be switching him
into different courtrooms. If they see his support system show to the
hearings they have not brought him into the courtroom saying they
“brought him down by mistake” and the “hearing was canceled.” They
have not brought him into the courtroom (trying to proceed in
absentia) saying he has a court appointed ATTORNEY, when on record he
has refused council and asserted ‘his own right’s. Finally, they have
had the Judges preside over his hearing in another Judges Courtroom.

"No other man in the recorded History of mankind
including JESUS CHRIST has directly revealed to
the World the SATANIC WEAPON used to enslave mankind

Raymond Ronald Karczewski© http://www.arkenterprises.com
Reverend Al
2010-06-23 00:02:13 UTC
Post by Raymond Karczewski
A Letter from William Kinney III©: The Slaying of Goliath In Multnomah
County Oregon.
June 21, 2010
To my Horror when I talked to my Son William at about 8:55am he told
me that he was PHYSICALLY ASSULTED when the staff at the State
Hospital, by FORCE took blood from him. KRYSTAL LANDREY headed this
attack assisted by a Nurse JULES WILLIAM, with a Matt Saiter
performing the CRIME OF TAKING HIS BLOOD (4 large tubes) BY FORCE. He
was also force to take a TB test. They were also assisted by a MOB of
approximately 15 other staff members. My Son told them ‘he did not
consent’ and that ‘THEIR ACTIONS WERE CRIMINAL! When my Son started
to ask the other staff personnel, what their names were, they
dispersed. I talked to William later this afternoon when he told me
that he was in severe pain in his left arm where they took his blood.
Better a mental institution than jail. He's headed for either place. He ain't
gonna get out.

2018-11-23 02:29:55 UTC
Is this the William Kinney III that killed Fred Goetz in a car crash in February, 2002 in Portland, OR?