Listen to a Living Christ who gives you the Truth with NO PARABLES!
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Raymond Karczewski
2018-01-12 03:48:58 UTC
Listen to a Living Christ who gives you the Truth with NO PARABLES!

By: Raymond Ronald Karczewski© ­ A Living Christ

The Present world of Christianity is ruled by the satanic fable of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, a simple man of truth who has been elevated to the illusory form of a Spiritual Icon in a satanically ruled fantasy world.

All that is known about Jesus was written by those who killed him, then concocted a religion around him for purposes of having religious control over others.

Jesus wrote nothing down, and spoke indirectly via parables, because it is said that People could not understand nor tolerate the direct truth.

The idea of Jesus Christ was more palatable than the shocking actual Truth that he claimed to be Truth in the Hellish world in which he alieanated the ignoramuses and Leaders of his time.

Otherwise, why would they have killed him. He posed a threat to the ruling satanic powers of His time and that could not be tolerated.

Clearly the scenario of Jesus of Nazareth was written by others in order to create an impossible fantasy which locked believers into a psychological construct, a restrictive, regimented form of Satanic Civilized behavior modification.

I, Raymond Ronald Karczewski© ­ A Living Christ, Living in the Present time, DO NOT speak in parables, writes everything down first hand so there can be no mistaking or altering of that which is being communicated and is despised and written off as some kook, but by whom?
Look at the state of the world as it is occupied by Legions of Satanic controlled ignoramuses, slaves/servants to a Satanic world of duality which they do not understand and so, eternally suffer because of it.

This Living Christ offers the solution to all of the world Problems suffered by such Intellectual ignoramuses, yet they revile such information in favor of defending their Hell which encapsulates them, even unto their own destruction.

His formula for peace on earth, makes this a Heaven on
earth and not prolong the existing hell, is to FOLLOW GOD'S LAW, NOT SATANIC MAN'S LAW: "DO NO HARM AND TELL NO LIES."

That's It. It removes you from the hell of a dualistic opposing Intellect which creates HELL ON EARTH, and you return to the full use of your subconscious mind, the MIND OF GOD, which is infinite and unbounded, not to mention it is NONDUALISTIC and therefore AT ONE WITH ALL OF CREATION, WHICH FINDS NOTHING TO OPPOSE. That is actualit of Love, God, Infinite Intelligence. That makes for Peace on Earth, Heaven on Earth.

Can you do it? Can you not harm another? Can you get through the day without having to tell a lie to get through a moment of contradiction?

If so, what need do you have for Satanic Law which applies to harmful people and Liars.

Read and watch the videos and links below, especially
https://vimeo.com/raymondkarczewski Pay attention to the mechanics of the dualist Intellect and learn why you are a Satanist and you don't even know it.

”No other man but I, in the recorded History of mankind, including JESUS CHRIST, has directly revealed to the World the SATANIC WEAPON used to enslave mankind ­ INTELLECTUAL THOUGHT!!”

Raymond Ronald Karczewski© ­ A Living Christ


Vimeo Videos
A Living Christ reveals the secret of Heaven and Hell

A Living Christ addresses Creatures of HELL
Raymond Karczewski
2018-01-12 11:25:40 UTC
Listen to a Living Christ who gives you the Truth with NO PARABLES! VIDEO


A Living Christ who does not use Parables to speak to you of the Unabashed Truth. Tough Love, Tough Christ. Its time we released innocent prisoners languishing in prison on Satanc rules and put the corrupt prosecutors in jail who put them in there.

”No other man but I, in the recorded History of mankind, including JESUS CHRIST, has directly revealed to the World the SATANIC WEAPON used to enslave mankind ­ INTELLECTUAL THOUGHT!!”

Raymond Ronald Karczewski© ­ A Living Christ


Vimeo Videos
A Living Christ reveals the secret of Heaven and Hell

A Living Christ says BOYCOTT Government and Religion
