A Spiritual Battle Between a Living Christ and Satan is being waged while a Civilized World Slumbers On!
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Raymond Karczewski
2018-11-29 11:19:52 UTC
A Spiritual Battle Between a Living Christ and Satan is being waged while a Civilized World Slumbers On!

By: Raymond Ronald Karczewski© ­ A Living Christ

For 23 years now, since June of 1995, a monumental, spiritual attack has been waged to destroy this Living Christ by the Satanic forces which control the Lives of
Billions of SATANIC, Unaware, mind controlled sheeple- YOU, and your world has steadily deteriorated to the point of Cataclysmic Collapse, Yet you all remain unmoved and apathetic about it.

One may ask, "What's wrong with that Picture?

Can it be said that Civilized Man is operating with Intelligence to allow such Satanic influences to rule over his Consciousness, to form and control such mass behavior and enslave such monumental numbers of Lives through Mind Control as easily as leading a puppy dog on a leash?

The evidence is in and you may read about its inevitable success on my two Websites, www.arkenterprises.com and www.leesarayenterprises.com along with hundreds of Videos which expose the Satanic Forces of Government, Religion, Banking, and Corporations, all of which are fictional Institutions created by You, in your own minds of the Living Man and Woman and are thus fantasies which can be uncreated by you through BOYCOTT, (withdrawal of consent and support) anytime you wish.

All efforts to destroy this living Christ so far, by these Satanic Forces have failed including two failed criminal Trial convictions calling for a forty year Prison Sentence which were summarily refused by this Living Christ at sentencing, since Government could not prove it had any fictional JURISDICTION over this Living man, then declaring this Living Christ to be DEAD, while launching a campaign of refusing to acknowledge his very existence, then banning, blocking, forging, creating fake news stories to discredit him. Does that sound efficient or even sane to you.

No Federal, State, and Local Law Enforcement Agency will Investigate the Criminal Charges sent to them from the FBI's refusal in 1999 to the request of the present President TRUMP since his Inaguration day. Think of that, NO CRIME COMPLAINT has been acted upon by any LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY OF this present government in 19 years and you call that Man's law. I call it Satanic Law. Histor will prove who is right.

Government proves daily that they can destroy any man they wish, so why are they unable to destroy this Living Christ in these 23 years?

Plain and simply, I have exposed the ineptitude, incompetence and lack of Power that Satan has over the Lives of any men of Truth.

Proof: Look at the double digit numbers of my Videos on You Tube, Bitchute, and VIMEO VIDEO sites when they ought to be going VIRAL to an intelligent populace. Look at the lack of any public acknowledgement that such a Spiritual Christ ACTUALLY EXISTS NOW, AMONGST YOU!

Then answer the question, are you Masters over your own lives, or are you merely SATANIC SLAVES?

”No other man but I, in the recorded History of mankind, including JESUS CHRIST, has directly revealed to the World the SATANIC WEAPON used to enslave mankind ­ INTELLECTUAL THOUGHT!!”

Raymond Ronald Karczewski© ­ A Living Christ


Vimeo Videos
A Living Christ reveals the secret of Heaven and Hell

A Living Christ says BOYCOTT Government and Religion
Raymond Karczewski
2018-11-29 14:27:07 UTC
A Spiritual Battle Between a Living Christ and Satan iS being waged while a Civilized World Slumbers On! --VIDEO

This Video ought to shock the sensibilities of any Civilized Man or Women who believes they are living an ordered Life. This belies the Hell of Satanic mind Control that enslaves every Man, Woman and Child in America.

”No other man but I, in the recorded History of mankind, including JESUS CHRIST, has directly revealed to the World the SATANIC WEAPON used to enslave mankind ­ INTELLECTUAL THOUGHT!!”

Raymond Ronald Karczewski© ­ A Living Christ


Vimeo Videos
A Living Christ reveals the secret of Heaven and Hell

A Living Christ says BOYCOTT Government and Religion
