2022-03-30 04:52:51 UTC
Counting on the power of repetition
as said, the entire West for centuries walk around _NM-conditioned (_naam, _name, _nom, 'your ego') and that is rather obvious that 'backward' rejection, suppression, denial of _MN-("Word"). The incarnated immortal soul, the eternal true self, always abides by _MN-("Word") and since the New Covenant the common abidance of souls is _asr-(mana)mn-esmim-'that bread from heavens'.
Hebrew and Arabic are languages part derived from the old 'pure language', which (afaik) is the discrete signal-term set of the cognitive system of the human body, the natural 'language' of the soul, or sooner the signal stream of nerve-brain
It works a bit like assembly or machine language with computers, you can program people with it. It (or derivates of it) is widely use in 'mantram' and 'prayers'. But the knowledge about it has been lost.
The 'backward'-term (ACVR in the pure language) is a bifurcation in the gutnerve, 34.21-reject/suppress/counteract on RVAC-'breath of soul, spirit'
If people suppress on the breath of soul, with themselves of towards others (in cases of enslavement, oppression), they force that 'backward' impuls to the brain and start to see all things 'backward', opposite to reality as the soul knows it. The hindu fake 'priests' call themselves Guru (derived from ACVR) and program their flesh with mantram like _Naam-the-Word. These are the Hindu-Stani 'Shatani', the original 'House of Satan'. The Aryans sold out to the Fallen Watchers with Saraknyal as 'backward'-KRS/Na, and started their mind control 'caste system', where they are the 213RBA-(reject-bra/that createth) "Noble Elite" and have 'backward'-PLA (reject-ALP) 'autority'
As said, the souls simply abide by Word (asr-svaleymn-esmim manifesting as the global _LEY-grid) and logically by ASR-'aesir' and _ALEYM. Any attitude, ideas, behavior where the flesh fails to abide in the intent and reality of the _ALEYM-abiding soul, is marked with the signal-term _K_ALEYM, the notification of sin, schizofrenic delusions and misbehavior, lies. Problem is that the flesh then already doesn't abide in the sense and comprehenson of reality of the soul and misinterprets the signal _K_ALEYM to mean 'like powers, like (deity)'
Where for instance the neural signal for the act 'to praise' is EDU, in hinduism they force the flesh _must-praise-213-DEV and all these schizofrenic DEV signals are to them _K_ALEYM-'like deities'.
According to some dude, the hindus concocted over 33 million different Deva-deities that they _must-praise-like-deity.
As it is a bifurcation in the nerve system, they cannot restore to reality and _must-like-want-agree-obey-serve their sins and delusions _like-deity
That found its way to Russia, Greece and Rome.
The Hebrew Tenach is 100% _ALEYM-abiding. The roman clowns took the Tenach, replaced all mentions of _ALEYM with their favorite K_ALEYM-like-deity lie, DEV and rewrote the Old Testament in the favor of 'Satan' and published that work of blasfemous whoredom as 'the Holy Roman Bible' and declared themselves the _PLA_Autority in the Christian community.
Rome is the lying Whorehouse of Satan.
And with witch hunts and "heretic"-torture parties (the Inquisition) they shoved the roman DEVa-lie down the throat of Europe and nowadays worldwide.
And as said the brain often approximates on _k-aleym with the neural term _klime-'dress, robe', so when the roman morons are busy serving their DEV_k-aleym they _must-klime-'dress, robe'.
The 'religious' golems are often compelled to put on a dress or robe when they serve their own schizofrenic lies and delusions of the flesh _like-deities.
And dog, schizofrenics basically know no human boundaries and can be extremely agressive and violent. They don't abide in the truth as all souls know it, and lie like a bitch and make-it-all-up-as-they-go-along, they are entirely dishonest.
It has consquences, post mortem they come at the Gates(mn-esmim-'of heavens' which remains _ALEYM-terrority, and are 'judged' by the works as they are written in their 'book of life', and all _k-aleym-like-deity freaks are rejected-(mn-esmim-'from heavens' and cast into the Lake of Fire, where their rotten demon-spirits rot and burn for 10.000 years (~26.000 year cycles main cycle / phi-squared)
We don't see any immediate reason to persecute the lying animals, they won't escape their punishment.
No liar ever escaped the Fire.
We roast all the mongrels of the _k-aleym-'like deities' in the Fires of Eternal Hell or they end in the Bottomless Pit, doomed for all eternity.
As Marx said, 'religion is the opium of the masses', the golems train any and all bifurcations in the gut and go schizo, and no longer abide in reality and truth as the suppressed souls all keep doing. And then the freaks are like stoned junkies in their schizofrenic fantasy world.
Fucking schizofrenic junkie trash.
Slayer ~ South of Heaven
"An unforeseen future nestled somewhere in time.
Unsuspecting victims no warnings, no signs.
Judgment day the second coming arrives.
Before you see the light you must die.
Forgotten children, conform a new faith,
Avidity and lust controlled by hate.
The never ending search for your shattered sanity,
Souls of Damnation in their own reality.
Chaos rampant,
An age of distrust.
Impulsive habitat.
Bastard sons beget your cunting daughters,
Promiscuous mothers with your incestuous fathers.
Engreat souls condemned for all eternity,
Sustained by immoral observance a domineering deity.
Chaos rampant,
An age of distrust.
Impulsive sabbath."
Chaos, Darkness,
THEV in the pure language,
the chaos dogheads
the lying schizofrenic owned possessed whores of the Fallen Watchers
the way from under that 'backward' mind control programming is simply deciding to start to live, think, judge and work from the 'breath of soul', and the easiest way to do that is partaking in the old soul rites, like the Phoenix rite, and the usual rites of passage (baptism, communion, marriage and burial rites).
I am a jack of all trades,
master of the Germanic House,
high priest of Adun Jefe Aley, the actual Lord,
and an 'Assassin' warlord, a holy killer.
after so many incarnations 'been there, seen that, done that', you only acquire more skills and knowledge on soul level, and once the flesh overcomes /damnation and liberates itself from the mind control programming, you 'inherit' all knowledge and skills of the immortal soul
The House of Satan want me shut up, dead-and-buried :) but I am far too powerful for the schizofrenic dumn insane freaks.
They know they cannot win a logical debate with me, because I know _AMT-'the truth', the logical reality of all souls.
They know they cannot win a debate, so they get agressive and violent and demonize me and want to force me back in 'possession/slavery' and shut me up to prevent me from spreading the truth.
All their works are written and they shall all burn for their Whoredom.
You can find traces of the 'pure language' in a lot of languages all over the world.
as said, the entire West for centuries walk around _NM-conditioned (_naam, _name, _nom, 'your ego') and that is rather obvious that 'backward' rejection, suppression, denial of _MN-("Word"). The incarnated immortal soul, the eternal true self, always abides by _MN-("Word") and since the New Covenant the common abidance of souls is _asr-(mana)mn-esmim-'that bread from heavens'.
Hebrew and Arabic are languages part derived from the old 'pure language', which (afaik) is the discrete signal-term set of the cognitive system of the human body, the natural 'language' of the soul, or sooner the signal stream of nerve-brain
It works a bit like assembly or machine language with computers, you can program people with it. It (or derivates of it) is widely use in 'mantram' and 'prayers'. But the knowledge about it has been lost.
The 'backward'-term (ACVR in the pure language) is a bifurcation in the gutnerve, 34.21-reject/suppress/counteract on RVAC-'breath of soul, spirit'
If people suppress on the breath of soul, with themselves of towards others (in cases of enslavement, oppression), they force that 'backward' impuls to the brain and start to see all things 'backward', opposite to reality as the soul knows it. The hindu fake 'priests' call themselves Guru (derived from ACVR) and program their flesh with mantram like _Naam-the-Word. These are the Hindu-Stani 'Shatani', the original 'House of Satan'. The Aryans sold out to the Fallen Watchers with Saraknyal as 'backward'-KRS/Na, and started their mind control 'caste system', where they are the 213RBA-(reject-bra/that createth) "Noble Elite" and have 'backward'-PLA (reject-ALP) 'autority'
As said, the souls simply abide by Word (asr-svaleymn-esmim manifesting as the global _LEY-grid) and logically by ASR-'aesir' and _ALEYM. Any attitude, ideas, behavior where the flesh fails to abide in the intent and reality of the _ALEYM-abiding soul, is marked with the signal-term _K_ALEYM, the notification of sin, schizofrenic delusions and misbehavior, lies. Problem is that the flesh then already doesn't abide in the sense and comprehenson of reality of the soul and misinterprets the signal _K_ALEYM to mean 'like powers, like (deity)'
Where for instance the neural signal for the act 'to praise' is EDU, in hinduism they force the flesh _must-praise-213-DEV and all these schizofrenic DEV signals are to them _K_ALEYM-'like deities'.
According to some dude, the hindus concocted over 33 million different Deva-deities that they _must-praise-like-deity.
As it is a bifurcation in the nerve system, they cannot restore to reality and _must-like-want-agree-obey-serve their sins and delusions _like-deity
That found its way to Russia, Greece and Rome.
The Hebrew Tenach is 100% _ALEYM-abiding. The roman clowns took the Tenach, replaced all mentions of _ALEYM with their favorite K_ALEYM-like-deity lie, DEV and rewrote the Old Testament in the favor of 'Satan' and published that work of blasfemous whoredom as 'the Holy Roman Bible' and declared themselves the _PLA_Autority in the Christian community.
Rome is the lying Whorehouse of Satan.
And with witch hunts and "heretic"-torture parties (the Inquisition) they shoved the roman DEVa-lie down the throat of Europe and nowadays worldwide.
And as said the brain often approximates on _k-aleym with the neural term _klime-'dress, robe', so when the roman morons are busy serving their DEV_k-aleym they _must-klime-'dress, robe'.
The 'religious' golems are often compelled to put on a dress or robe when they serve their own schizofrenic lies and delusions of the flesh _like-deities.
And dog, schizofrenics basically know no human boundaries and can be extremely agressive and violent. They don't abide in the truth as all souls know it, and lie like a bitch and make-it-all-up-as-they-go-along, they are entirely dishonest.
It has consquences, post mortem they come at the Gates(mn-esmim-'of heavens' which remains _ALEYM-terrority, and are 'judged' by the works as they are written in their 'book of life', and all _k-aleym-like-deity freaks are rejected-(mn-esmim-'from heavens' and cast into the Lake of Fire, where their rotten demon-spirits rot and burn for 10.000 years (~26.000 year cycles main cycle / phi-squared)
We don't see any immediate reason to persecute the lying animals, they won't escape their punishment.
No liar ever escaped the Fire.
We roast all the mongrels of the _k-aleym-'like deities' in the Fires of Eternal Hell or they end in the Bottomless Pit, doomed for all eternity.
As Marx said, 'religion is the opium of the masses', the golems train any and all bifurcations in the gut and go schizo, and no longer abide in reality and truth as the suppressed souls all keep doing. And then the freaks are like stoned junkies in their schizofrenic fantasy world.
Fucking schizofrenic junkie trash.
Slayer ~ South of Heaven
"An unforeseen future nestled somewhere in time.
Unsuspecting victims no warnings, no signs.
Judgment day the second coming arrives.
Before you see the light you must die.
Forgotten children, conform a new faith,
Avidity and lust controlled by hate.
The never ending search for your shattered sanity,
Souls of Damnation in their own reality.
Chaos rampant,
An age of distrust.
Impulsive habitat.
Bastard sons beget your cunting daughters,
Promiscuous mothers with your incestuous fathers.
Engreat souls condemned for all eternity,
Sustained by immoral observance a domineering deity.
Chaos rampant,
An age of distrust.
Impulsive sabbath."
Chaos, Darkness,
THEV in the pure language,
the chaos dogheads
the lying schizofrenic owned possessed whores of the Fallen Watchers
the way from under that 'backward' mind control programming is simply deciding to start to live, think, judge and work from the 'breath of soul', and the easiest way to do that is partaking in the old soul rites, like the Phoenix rite, and the usual rites of passage (baptism, communion, marriage and burial rites).
I am a jack of all trades,
master of the Germanic House,
high priest of Adun Jefe Aley, the actual Lord,
and an 'Assassin' warlord, a holy killer.
after so many incarnations 'been there, seen that, done that', you only acquire more skills and knowledge on soul level, and once the flesh overcomes /damnation and liberates itself from the mind control programming, you 'inherit' all knowledge and skills of the immortal soul
The House of Satan want me shut up, dead-and-buried :) but I am far too powerful for the schizofrenic dumn insane freaks.
They know they cannot win a logical debate with me, because I know _AMT-'the truth', the logical reality of all souls.
They know they cannot win a debate, so they get agressive and violent and demonize me and want to force me back in 'possession/slavery' and shut me up to prevent me from spreading the truth.
All their works are written and they shall all burn for their Whoredom.
You can find traces of the 'pure language' in a lot of languages all over the world.